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Golf Q&A

Got a golf question? Want to know about a USGA rule … a great course to pla y… one of the pros? Chances are Lance has the answer. Just send your golf question to Lance. You will receive a personal answer and we may add it to this question and answer forum.

Here are a few of the questions we have received:

What is a good course to play in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area?
Bear Creek Golf Club near the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport has East/West courses giving you 36 holes to enjoy. One of the most popular courses in the area.

Can you add clubs to your bag during play?
The player must not start a stipulated round with more than 14 clubs. He is limited to the clubs thus selected for that round, except that if he started with fewer than 14 clubs, he may add any number, provided his total number does not exceed 14.
The addition of a club or clubs must not unduly delay play USGA Rule 6-7 and the player must not add or borrow any club selected for play by any other person play on the course. (USGA Rule 4-4a)

Who holds the record for most junior amateur wins (male or female)?
Tiger Woods at six wins.

What is a good area with great golf courses to play in the winter?
San Diego, CA, Palm Springs CA, Mesquite NV, Phoenix AZ and Tucson AZ are just a few that have some great courses. We are spending the next three or four years on the east coast exploring the golf courses and will report our findings to you.

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