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World Amateur at Myrtle Beach

Pre Start

Posted: Aug 28, 2009

Preparation for the Amateur

I am down in Myrtle Beach waiting for this weekend to do the Registration process on Saturday 29 August 2009 at the Martin's PGA Superstore located at Broadway By the Beach.

Each year 3000 + golfers descend on Myrtle Beach to pit their skills and luck against each other in hopes to win the title of "World Amateur Champion".

The cost for this extravaganza is $550 for the tournament which includes the 19th Hole (30+ resturants feed you), 4 days of competition and the chance to play on Friday in the Championship competition (this year held at Grande Dunes).

There is a lot of preparation, however, to get to this point.  If you are a first timer, you must have your PGA Pro or section handicap person sign off on your handicap and send it along with a history of scores to the handicap committee who will then give you a handicap to use throughout the tournament (often re-rating yours).

It is good to come down a week early or at least a few days so you can check out what courses you are playing on (they let you know the week before).  You will be able to get in some needed practice.

Registration is Saturday/Sunday before the 1st day and should be fun-you get your goodie bag, etc. there.

I will write each day about my experience both here and on my twitter (GolfNut59).  Follow me and we will see if I can at least make a good showing here-my first time.


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